Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

So I have some grand plans in 2009. I love to make resolutions and they have gotten better over the years. They are more specific and ones that I know I will be able to accomplish. I'm sharing a few of them with you, but I made quite a few. Some of them are personal and I've never really been too picky about how well some of them were addressed. If I did good one week and then struggled, I knew I could still go back to them and it isn't the end of the world or really drastic if I don't get them accomplished. I have a journal at home that I keep resolutions and I've done that for the last 15 years. It is funny to see that I wrote for nine years straight (I was deathly afraid of the dentist) to go to the dentist. I never did for those nine years (yes I brush my teeth all of the time and floss...but...I was a chicken). However, now I'm doing so much better. So even though it took me nine years to get up the courage it is something that is now very easy for me to do. We get it sometime. If we don't set our own personal goals...not for our kids or our spouse, but for ourself...can we truly learn and advance? I know these are grand an I may only get to half of them and it may take nine years to accomplish some of them, but I'll get there. Thank heavens we may have an eternity to achieve all we want. I'm also making a new goal to write on this more frequently. I would like to have it be like a journal (did you know you can publish your blogs into book format) sorry if my responses start coming more frequently. They may not always contain pictures either...I hope you all set some New Year's resolutions and that you have some grand goals!
Kristie’s List of Stuff She is Desiring to do in 2009
1. Finish Adoption paperwork by end of January
2. Finish applying for psychology position at BYU-Idaho
3. Read text for English class at BYU-Idaho
6. Teach or work on teaching at BYU-Idaho Education week
7. Write 2 books-
8. Finish Poetry book for Drew and Rochester trip
9. Paint playroom
10. Go to eye doctor, dentist, and doctor for check-ups
11. Find out more about working with my master’s degree

13. Organize and type my loose recipes and go through collection
14. Read one parenting book, one marriage book, and one other book of choice per month
15. Go to temple at least 2 times a month work on memorizing thing at the end
16. Support Andy in his goals
18. Organize files at school and in my craft room
19. Plan menu better and be better at shopping for that plan
20. Plan and do something fun with Drew at least once a month
21. Work with Peyts on his goals and in getting him ready for school
23. Look into information with regards to Doctorate degree??
24. Work on putting together my England book
25. Help Andy organize his Africa mission into a book
26. Make adoption book for Peyton


Elder Kenny Brown said...

OH MY GOSH! Has anyone ever told you less is more?!? Good luck!

Deverie said...

Can I ask, what is your England book?

Unknown said...

Amy...I know I'm crazy...but it makes me feel like I'm a little more directed. I'll let you know when I cave and go back to being the same old me! :-) England book is when I went to England. I kept a journal and took tons of pictures and I would like to compile it into a photo book. Thanks for asking!


Lataun said...

I love your list of resolutions and now I have guilt! I don't have any...could you share a few of yours..and maybe complete them for me too!

Holly said...

OK so now I feel bad....I can't find anything in this "rat trap" (I know I am stealing your name and I know we are living in a new spec home until we get ours built but I still hate it and feel like a trapped rat)! So my journal is buried in some box and who knows where it is so I just said to myself all is well I don't need to do any this year... well now I see how accomplished you are going to be and it makes me feel bad that every year I never miss to organize, evaluate and work to improve my own personal life.....and you know it could take a few changes! ; )
So I resolve to find my journal and get them done somehow....I am doing the exercise and get healthy one as always so I guess there is one for me!
Good work on yours! I hope you stick to your adoption papers getting in by the end of January...I can't wait to have a new niece or nephew!!

alriggells said...

Ambitious, ambitious are we? How are things going thus far? Sounds exciting though. Are you guys planning on adopting again this year? How is the family anyway? Hope all is well.